470 pre-Championship Racing Clinic

Gdynia, Poland 9-11 August

Dear sailors, coaches & friends,

We would like to invite all 470 junior teams taking part in  the 2014 470 Junior European Championships, Gdynia, Poland, to take part in the pre-Championship Racing Clinic being run by top coach Nigel Cochrane, between the 9-11 August. There will be daily practice races with briefing meetings in the morning and debriefing in the afternoon.
The precise schedule of the clinic will be available soon

Nigel Cochrane is a two time Olympian in the 470 in 1988 in Seoul and 1992 in Barcelona. During his coaching career he worked with many 470 teams, including Stu McNay and Graham Biehl (USA)at the 2008 Olympics and Mike Leigh and Luke Ramsay (CAN) at the 2012 Olympics.
As part of the 470 Class development programme, the Clinic will be free of charge for all the teams that register by email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 8 August. Late entries will be accepted on site, only with the approval of the head coach. The fee for late entries will be 20 euro per team.



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